Professor Hope's page update guide

Welcome to the Hoodie Economics page, the heart of our relational economy. Like any thriving ecosystem, this page is continuously growing and evolving. We're excited to announce that we'll be enriching this space with more depth, context, and real-world applications of Hoodie Economics.

For now go and grab a copy of the book to help you on your journey and browse through some of the conversations that have helped get us to this point.

The theory, philosophy and knowledge of Hoodie Economics

We knew we needed a token that wasn’t a coin to be able to work out a bridge for the coin and other measurements of value to be stored relationally and then deposited to nature, for energy to move from the economies of today, to economies where nature was centred. 

This section provides a focus on the theory and philosophy and knowledge of Hoodie Economics, to see the Hoodies currently available to unlock head to the Shop - The Hoodie Money Can’t Buy.

To engage with partnership options to stimulate Hoodies for the relational economy for IMAGI-NATION head to the seasonal catalogue page. And then for impact of the current Hoodies head over to the impact page for the Hoodie Economics Stock X-Change and more.

Hoodie Economics

“Hey gang I wrote this book for you - we encourage you to jump here first - maybe after a small couple of imagination warm up exercises so you’ve got some brain plasticity in the game. If you are time poor to read a book, you’ll be time poorer if we don’t have human life on earth, so let’s try collectively lift our commitment to literature reviews, to doing the deep thinking and learning together.”
Jack Manning Bancroft
AIME Founder and CEO

Learn more about the website page updates and our 'always drafting methodology.
Professor Hope